Meet Mike
Before I got to the mission I was burnt out and empty. I had burned through my entire life savings. I was doing well for a fair amount of time after being in recovery for the last four years after which I relapsed. When COVID-19 hit, I had stopped going to church due to churches being closed, and so was the 12-step group that I had been a part of. I started hanging out with a close friend who had relapsed and began using again. it started off slow and then progressed into exactly what it always turns into, shame, guilt, and eventually spending time with the wrong people.
I had this “here I go again” moment where I was doing the same things that I had sworn never to do again. My addiction kept me from the people I loved the most. Shame kept me from my family. I could feel death knocking at my door. Something had to change! I reached out to a close friend, and he told me about the Modesto Gospel Mission. They opened their doors to me and made me feel welcome, I knew I was in the right place. Shortly after being here, I was given the opportunity to gain experience on how to roast coffee at Volente and fell in love with the process. I have found so much purpose since I have been at the Modesto Gospel Mission and since I have been a part of Volente Coffee.